Changes in the business processes in order to provide convenient service

Dear Customer,
Expressing our gratitude and appreciation for cooperation, we would like to announce the following changes in order to optimize the business processes and provide convenient service which might affect your accounts in the Bank.
Regarding the purchase of a foreign currency via UzRCE:
- Practice of the General agreements to purchase a foreign currency is being cancelled.
Instead of it,
- The Public Offer, uploaded on our website, will be integrated where the terms of the foreign currency purchase are mentioned.
- Implemented a new application form for the purchase of a foreign currency, compared with the previous form, there is no necessity to provide main account numbers and special conversion account numbers.
- According to the new practice, it became possible to submit an Application for conversion without a prior coverage in the national currency in account №22613 (Note: Coverage on account 22613 must be carried out within two days after the positive decision by the Bank on the Application).
- The list of the documents requested by the Bank from the Client under Application to purchase a foreign currency is shortened. For example, a protocol of shareholders’ meeting will be enough to apply for conversion in order to repatriate dividends.
Regarding the transfer of foreign trade contracts:
The reclamation to confirm the execution of a contract from the previous bank is being abolished when transferring foreign trade contracts from other commercial banks.
For additional information or if any questions arise, we kindly ask you to address your manager or client service department.
Truly yours,
JSC “KDB Bank Uzbekistan”